Module Articles

Smallholder Commercialization

Smallholder Commercialization

Definition of Market

This is an area in which commercial dealings are conducted. A market may also be defined as a sum total of all the buyers and sellers in the area or region under consideration.

Importance of marketing

  • Helps in transfer ,exchange and movement of goods

  • Increase sales, grow businesses and engage customers
  • Improves standard of living after selling to the market

Market environment analysis

  • Environmental marketing refers to the actors or forces outside marketing that affect the building of the business  success
  • Two types of environment include
  • Micro-environment:  Actors close to business
  • Macro environment: Large societal forces that affect microenvironment
  • Actors in the micro-environmentThere are various forces that affect a business enterprise  and they include;
    • Economic forces
    • Demographic forces
    • Natural forces
    • Technological forces
    • Political forces
    • Cultural forces

SWOT Analysis

  • Designed to understand companies’/business entities’ strength, weakness, opportunity and threat

  • Its goal is to match the business strengths to attractive opportunities in the environment, while eliminating / overcoming the weakness and minimizing threats