Module Articles

Soy Beans

Soy Beans

Land Preparation

3.1. Site selection

  • soybean can be planted in any soil that is suitable for Maize but performs badly in poor sandy soils with low content of organic matter
  • soils that easily compact and form a crust must be avoided for growing soybean because the protruding soybean seedling (hypocotyls) breaks easily under pressure


  • Land lying on a steep slope
  • Land which is near a swamp or likely to have water logging conditions
  • Very sandy soil and areas with shallow surface soil to avoid drought stress
  • Areas with a lot of couch grass
  • Areas with a lot of shade to the soybean crop like under trees

3.2. Field clearing

  • A good contact between the seed and soil enhances rapid germination therefore proper land preparation is vital to ensure good germination and reduces weed infestation
  • A well-prepared land should ensure that weeds, shrubs and bushes are cleared

3.3. Ploughing

  • Done using either a hand hoe or a plough. Aims at turning over topsoil and incorporate plant residues in to the soil
  • Prepare fields in advance (2 weeks) before planting sweet potatoes
  • Use mounds and ridges for planting as these methods ensure good drainage
  • Deep cultivation is recommended as it improves oxygen supply in the soil
  • Dig diversion water ways and plough along the contours to minimize on soil water wash.