Module Articles



Land Preparation

The purpose of land preparations is to provide the necessary soil conditions which will enhance the successful germination of the seeds. There are various activities conducted in land preparations and these are outlined below.

Site preparation

  • Select deep sandy loam soil

Field preparations

  • Field for interpreted crops should be ready before the onset of the first rains
  • For pure stand, fields should be ready by the end of November in Southern region and in the mid of December for the Central and Northern region.

Ridge preparations

  • Since beans are commonly interplanted with maize, this means that ridges prepared for maize planting are the ones to be used for beans.
  • Ridges are prepared at 75cms or 90cm apart

Time of planting

  • For the interpreted crops, planting should be done soon after planting the main crop or as soon as the main crop emerged
  • For the pure stand, planting should be done from mid December to Mid January for the Southern region and in the month of January for Central and Northern region.
  • In relay cropping, planting should be done during the month of February and March.
  • Irrigated crops farmers should be advised to plant as soon as the summer crop has been cultivated.
  • Dambo crops should be planted when the climate is favorable
  • In the lake Shore, the crop can be planted in May to June while in uplands; planting should be July to August when Temperatures have warmed.