To achieve high yields optimum plant populations should be observed
Pure stands and Relay Crops (Rainfed)
4.1 Dwarf Beans
- These beans should be planted in 2 rows spaced at 30cm on the ridge. Plant 1 seed per station 10cm apart along each row.
- The ridges should be 75cm or 90cm apart. This requires a seed-rate of 80 to 70kg per ha respectively.
4.2 Climbing beans
- Climbing beans should be planted on 1 row, 1 seed per planting station spaced at 15cm. this requires a seed rate of 75 to 90kg per hectare.
- To maximize podding and assist plants escape disease infestation climbing beans should be properly stacked.

4.3 Inter-planted crop
- Where maize is planted at 3 seeds per planting station, plant 4 climbing beans between 2 maize planting stations
- For dwarf varieties, the inter-planted crop requires the same spacing as in pure stand and seed rate is the same.
4.4 Dambo Crop
- The beans should be planted on the flat land as this assist in moisture conservation
- Plant dwarf varieties in rows, 45cm apart, 1 seed per planting station spaced 20cm.The seed rate is 40 to 50 kg per hectare.
- Climbing varieties should be planted in rows 45cm apart 1 seed per planting station and the seed rate is 40 to 50 kg per hectare.
4.5. Irrigated Crops
- When planting beans under irrigation follow the recommendations under pure stand and interplanted crops described above under rainfed conditions.