Module Articles



Pests and Diseases

Pests and diseases are some of the factors that affect the growth of beans. The tables below describe the main pest and diseases that reduce the yield and quality of beans and their control measures.

Table 1: Diseases and their control measures


Mode of transmission

Signs and symptoms

Damage caused

Control Measures

Bean Mosaic Virus

- Aphids

-Stunted growth

-leaves are mottled

-Total yield loss

-Planting resistant crops

-Planting certified seeds

-Planting beans in isolated area

-Spray insecticides e.g. Dimethoate and Supermetrine


- Fungus

-Dark brown spots on leaves

-Leaves darken and veins collapse

-Yield losses up to 100%

-Use a 3 year crop rotation with cereals

-Burry crop residues

-Use of tolerant varieties


-Spray Dithane M45

Angular Leaf Spot and web blight


-Grey sports appear on leaves

-Grey spots become dark brown

-Forms a web on a plant and lead to defoliation

-Yield losses up to 100%

-Use clean seeds

-Bury the infected debris

-Crop rotation

-Spray Daconil

Common Bacteria Blight


- Water soaked spots on the lower side of the leaves

-Stem easily break

-Yield losses up to 70%

-Use tolerant varieties

-Crop rotation

-Bury infected residues

-Timely planting

-Use clean seeds


Table 2: Pests and their control measures



Damage caused

Control measures

Bean weevil


-Attack dried beans and can be serious pests in dried beans

-Feeds and contaminates the dried beans

-Larvae may nearly consume the entire bean


-Planting weevil free seeds

-Eliminate potential sources of weevils

-Spray Demethoate

Bean Beetle

-Holes on the plants

- Reduces yield by feeding on the leaves

-Feeds on leaves

-Spay Carbaryl

Bean Aphid

-Plants loose greenness and they look black

-Seedlings wilt and die

-Uses slender mouth parts to pierce leaves, stems and other parts to suck fluids

-Causes direct damage to the beans

-Reduces yield

-Spray Dimethoate

Bean Stem Maggot

-Stunted growth

-Stem becomes dry and swollen

-100% yield loss if larvae densities are high.

-Crop rotation

-Adjust time of sowing

-Practice good water management

-Planting early cool wet and high altitudes