Module Articles

Bambara Nuts

Bambara Nuts

Land Preparation

Site selection

  • Bambara grows well on well-drained soil, light and sandy loamy soil and it does well on heavier soil.
  • It can grow on poor soil that is low in nutrients
  • In a proper rotation Bambara groundnut can follow cereals
  • Bambara can be intercropped with maize, cassava among others.                  

Field clearing

  • Slashers, pangas, rake can be used to clear Bambara ground nuts fields
  • Burning can also be applied but it is not recommended in most cases


  • Done using either a hand hoe or a plough
  • Prepare fields in advance (2 weeks) before planting the seed of Bambara nuts
  • A level seedbed is best, but, it can be planted on ridges when very wet Conditions prevail.