Module Articles

Bambara Nuts

Bambara Nuts

Pests and Diseases

6.1     Bambara nut insect pests

Aphids and other sucking insect pests

  • Control these insect pests with Dimethoate 20wp at the rate of 35g in 14 liters of water using a knapsack sprayer or 35g in liters of water if using a UVL sprayer

Leaf and Flower eating insects

  • These should be controlled with carbaryl (sevin) 85 wp in 14 liters of water of water if using a knapsack sprayer or 85g in 1 liter of water using a UVL sprayer

6.2. Bambara groundnut diseases

Wilt Sclerotium blight (Sclerotium rolfsii)

  • Infection occurs at or just below the soil surface
  • Light brown lesions occur which quickly darken and enlarge until the hypocotyls or stem is girdled.
  • Yellowing or wilting of plants is usually the first symptom.
  • Leaves of infected plant turn brown, dry and often cling to the dead stem
  • Most characteristic sign of the fungus is a white mat of fungal mycelia forming on stem bases.


  • Alternating Bambara nut with a non-host crop like maize
  • Planting on a raised bed is useful in preventing certain diseases

Leaf spot (cercospora canescens)

  • Rotation with non-host crops is the main control measure as chemical control spraying may prove uneconomical