Module Articles



Land Preparation

3.1. Site selection

  • Chose land which has not been used for rice production in the previous season
  • Rice requires heavy soil for moisture retention
  • Land chosen should have medium fertility (too fertile soils results in luxurious growth)
  • Observe fallow period by ploughing or herbicides to clean the field
  • Adequate source of water for irrigation

3.2. Field clearing

  • Slashers, pangas, rake can be used to clear rice gardens
  • Burning can also be applied but it is not recommended in wet areas

3.3. Ploughing

3.3.1. 1st tillage Objectives:

  • To attain a reasonable depth
  • To kill weeds by burying or cutting and exposing the roots
  • Chop and incorporate crop residues
  • Soil aeration and water accumulation; depending on the soil type and the plough.

3.3.2. 2nd tillage Objectives

  • To control weeds and to facilitate pudding and levelling soil surface

3.3.3. Pudding

This is in simple terms land leveling Objectives

  • To destroy weeds to Facilitate leveling, Irrigation and transplanting
  • Effective land leveling helps to;
  1. Reduce the work in crop establishment and management
  2. Better use of water and better weed control
  3. These in turn increases yield and quality