5.1. Weeding
- Weeding is the removal of unwanted plants in the garden. The field should be weed free during the 6 to 8 weeks after planting.
- Regular weeding is recommended to reduce competition for sunlight and water
- Small-scale farmers heavily rely on hand weeding while commercial farmers depend on mechanized implements.
- Introduction of herbicides (as weed control measure in the farming industry), has made life simple for both small-scale and large-scale farmers.
- Weeding after flowering, should not be practiced to avoid flower shedding. However, hand weeding where weeds are observed can be done as long as care is taken.
5.2. Watering
- There is need to maintain adequate moisture during the early stages for the crop and immediately after flowering and pod filling stages.
- Water stress during flowering and pod filling causes shedding of flowers and pods thereby resulting in low yields.
- Emphasis on irrigation during flowering and pod filling is important as this will enable the crop to develop bigger pods and seeds.
5.3. Staking
- Staking helps to provide plant the ability of growing without bending by supporting the stems especially the stems of climbing beans.
5.4. Fertilizer application
- Fertilizer is essential particularly at the initial stages of bean growth. First fertilizer is applied at the planting time of the seeds. Top dressing is done with UREA after first weeding.
- Where fertilizer is not available farmers are encouraged to apply manure.
- 23:21:0+4S is used at the rate of 100kg per hectare. 18g per 2 meters of ridge length using two and half cup.