Module Articles

Smallholder Commercialization

Smallholder Commercialization

Market Pricing

Definition of pricing

  • Pricing is putting the sale value of a good, commodity or a service for sale.
  • Pricing as a strategy is important to all value chain actors so as to ensure the smooth flow of commodities making a maximum return to the product being sold.
  • Pricing is highly associated with quality, quantity and value.
  • To the small holder farmer or traders the price s/he attaches to his/her products will enable him/her  to make  either profit or loss

Pricing Strategy


Discount  pricing


Reducing prices to reward customer responses such as paying early or promoting the product.

Competitive pricing

This is adjusting your prices based on your competition e.g. pricing less than the hotel prices

Segment pricing

Adjust prices to allow for differences in customers, products or location

Psychological pricing

Adjust prices for psychological effect

Promotional pricing

Temporarily reducing prices to increase short- run sales

Geographical pricing

Adjusting  prices continually to meet the characteristics and needs  of individual customers and situations


International pricing

Adjusting prices for international markets