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Empowered World View

Empowered World View

Objectives of EWV Training

The EWV training therefore has been organized to challenge individuals and communities to identify, examine and appreciate the assets, talents, gifts and other resources within their context and explore ways of how they can use them to advance their wellbeing as God intended. The farmers will all undergo a journey of self-discovery by asking themselves the following questions

  1. Who am I? (Identity)
  2. Where am I from? (Identity)
  3. Why was do I exist? (purpose)
  4. What do I have? (Potential, gifts, talents that can be developed into skill)
  5. Where am I going? (Vision)
  6. Where am I now? (evaluation based on purpose)
  7. Why am I here? (evaluation based on purpose)
  8. What else do I need to get/do to achieve my purpose?