The training will address the following attitude/mentality which are detrimental to development and self-efficacy
Some of the examples of beliefs among people and communities are as follows
A. Biblical Assumptions and Beliefs 1. Belief that people have the capacity (spirit and will) to choose and act 2. Belief that people are stewards of the earth and its resources 3. Belief that resources are not limited to what is in the ground 4. Belief that people have the capacity to reason and create 5. Belief that are ultimately accountable to God for their actions 6. Belief in the concepts of mercy, kindness, and forgiveness 7. Belief that men and women are equals 8. Belief that history is moving toward the restoration of all things 9. Belief in the dignity and worth of every individual without discrimination 10. Belief that man is body and spirit 11. Belief in absolute moral laws B. Unbiblical Assumptions and Beliefs – Secularism 1. Belief that people are controlled by their genetic makeup 2. Belief that people are animals who happened here by random chance 3. Belief that there is no purpose or meaning in life beyond survival and pleasure seeking 4. Belief that resources are limited 5. Belief that man is body 6. Belief that there is no absolute right and wrong, but each person is a law to themselves 7. Belief that all choices and opinions should be tolerated 8. Belief in the saying “Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow you die” 9. Belief that disease and sickness never has a spiritual cause C. Assumptions of Animism (African Traditional religion/New age/Hinduism) 1. Belief that people and nature are controlled by spirits and unseen powers 2. Belief that man is a spirit imprisoned in a body 3. Belief that a person’s status in this life is connected to performance in a previous life 4. Belief in a caste system. 5. Belief that we are overrun by history and incapable of changing the future 6. Belief that disease and sickness is always the result of the activity of spirits 7. Belief that history is moving in endless cycles 8. Right and Wrong is determined by what pleases the spirits 9. Belief that men are superior to women |