Module Articles



Nutrition for the Elderly

Usually the elderly have reduced physical activity due to reduction of muscle mass and reduction in bone mass which leads to fragile and porous bones that are prone to accidents including fractures. There is also reduction in basal metabolic rate which eventually affects the amounts of nutrients required.

Elderly people may have poor nutrition due to factors like poor dental health, side effects of medications, poverty, physical disabilities, forgetfulness and depression. As such it is important to ensure that the elderly people eat nutritious foods all times, caretakers must do the following:

  • Offer nutritionally dense foods. Encourage consumption of whole, unprocessed foods that are high in calories e.g. brown rice, whole maize meal (mgaiwa), and whole wheat bread and protein rich legumes.
  • Provide elderly people with plenty of fruits and vegetables that may help to provide fibre that prevents constipation.
  • Enhance food aromas and flavours
  • Avoid foods that are too hot and include herbs that may spice up the foods.
  • Make meals a family affair, bring food together and share among family members.
  • Encourage healthy snacking. Give snacks with nutritive values such as fruits, nuts and other snacks that may be available.
  • Take care of dental problems