Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR)
What to follow in FMNR
- Reasearch on the regenerants and shrubs that are in line with the farmers’ plan at the same time viable, useful and those that give hope. There are other species that are just flowerly but not useful hence farmers need to know their species very well.
- The farmer need to count 40 regenerants that are supposed to be selected per hactre or 40 per 2.5 acres on the identified piece of land. This is the most appropriete time when the farmer has to choose the type of species s/he needs in his/her forest. The erect and straight trees are the ones prefered.
- Prunning and cutting back has to be done upwards by a very sharp cutlass to avoid breaking off the branches. The Cutlass has to face upwards as well.

- The chosen regenerants have to be well spaced by thinning out close ones and well runned to have not more than 5 branches. When the trees are still tender, pruning has to be halfway down for each tree.
- Taking care of the chosen and prepared trees is the duty of every one around. That is why caring for the natural regenerants forests is the duty of the whole village. This is possible through involvement of government officials and local community leadership through development of by-laws to manage the forests.
- It is the duty of farmers and the community to make fire breaks around the forests so that these natural regenerants have to remain protected
- The by-laws have to be very strict on control of bush fires and invasions by stray livestock and impose heavy fines on culprits.