Tomatoes are widely grown throughout the country but there is need to improve quality and availability throughout the year. They can be grown all year round except in extremely hot dry conditions because, heat retards growth and fruit set. Potential yield for tomatoes ranges from 18,000 to 50,000 kg per hectare depending on variety.
The core objective is to improve knowledge and skills among small scale farmers involved in Tomato production to produce an increase Tomato yield in a sustainable way
At the end of this module, the farmer should be able to:
- Understand good management practices for Tomato production
- Understand how to better manage Tomato pests and diseases
- Acquire knowledge on improving Tomato productivity
- Receive knowledge on post-harvest handling of Tomato
2.1. Environmental Requirements
2.1.1. Weather requirements
- Tomato is more adaptable and grows well in warm conditions.
- Optimum temperature ranges of between 20-25oC during the day and 15-17oC at night.
- High humidity and temperature reduces fruit size and yields and low temperature leads to delayed red color formation of the fruit and ripening.
- Wet conditions increases the disease attack and fruit fail to ripen.
2.1.2. Variety selection
Use the following recommended varieties:
Money Maker, Marglobe, Rodade, Heinz, Homestead and Roma VF. The latter is suitable for the processing industry.
2.1.3. Water Requirements
The soils should be moist but not too wet.