Module Articles



Post-harvest management


Containers & Packaging Materials

  • Potatoes are supposed to be sold in the standard 50 kg sacks in the markets

Value Addition Techniques: Cleaning, Sorting, Grading, & Processing

1. Sorting:

  • Diseased, cut and mis-shapen tubers are sorted out to avoid losses in storage due to rotting

2. Grading:

  • Potatoes are graded depending on size and shape of tuber
  • Tubers of are graded into:
  • Ware: > 55mm
  • Seed: 45 – 55 mm gauge
  • Seed: 25 – 35 mm gauge
  • Chatts: Less than 25 mm gauge (Used as livestock feed)


  • Ware Potatoes:
  • Ware tubers should be kept in a dark store to prevent greening
  • The store should be cool and well ventilated
  • Seed Potatoes:
  • Seed potatoes are kept in a cool store with diffuse light for coloured, short sprouts to develop, however, avoid direct sunlight
  • Potatoes can also be stored for a long time by placing them on moist saw dust in a well-ventilated room which is not exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Depending on variety and degree of maturity at harvesting, potatoes can be kept for 1 – 2 months before sprouting
  • The stored potatoes  should however be inspected weekly to ascertain the condition.
  • Any rotten potatoes should be separated from the rest.



Potatoes in diffused light storage (DLS) structure for seed tubers in Ntchisi



This information was compiled by Farm Concern International (FCI) in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture Lilongwe staff. The information is based on the written material from Center for International Potato (CIP) Malawi & Mr. Given Kalonga.