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  • Plant well-sprouted tubers and ensure that sprouts are pointing upwards.
  • Potatoes are grown from tubers and are better planted in ridge furrows.
  • Plan the tuber seeds 5cm deep in the ground and 30 cm apart from each other along the ridge.
  • The tuber needs to have at least one ‘eye’ or sprout.  Leave the tubers in a shady spot for a week or two before planting to harden shoots. 
  • Space potatoes at 90cm (for table potato) or 75cm (for seed potato) between rows (ridge furrows) and 30cm between plants in a row. 
  • Plant the potatoes soon after the 1st rains
  • The crop is best grown in a pure stand.

Fertilizer Application Rates:

  • During planting, sprinkle first D Compound and cover the fertilizer thoroughly with about 5cm of soil.
  • Apply fertilizer within 1 week of planting
  • The rate must be as follows: 200kg/ha
  • Apply 15 grams per plant once, placed 5cm away from plant/tuber seed.
  • You can also use manure
  • After 3 weeks from emergence, top-dress the crop with CAN at the rate of 200kg/ha.


  • Do NOT use UREA Fertilizer because it has excess nitrogen should be avoided as it encourages vegetative growth at the expense of tuber formation

Water Requirement

  • Potatoes require 850 – 1,200 mm rainfall during the growing period
  • Low and fluctuating moisture contribute to scab, hollow heart, low dry matter, low tuber set and mis-shaped tubers
  • Furrow and drip irrigation is recommended during early and late hours to reduce evaporation

Managing of Weeds

  • Adequate control of weeds is required to ensure high yields
  • Manual weeding
  • Weeding is done after germination to avoid uprooting of seed tubers
  • 1st Weeding: 1 – 2 weeks after emergence
  • 2nd Weeding: 4 – 5 weeks after crop emergence
  • Do Not weed when the soil is wet to avoid compaction
  • After the plants have completely covered up the space in between the rows, weeds are suppressed

Weed free Potato crop