Module Articles



Land Preparation

Seed Selection

  • Potato growers should do positive selection of growing plants to obtain own seed for planting the following season. This is a good short term alternative
  • A good crop starts with good seed.
  • Inspect seed for disease symptoms
  • Infected plants were selected and removed from stock
  • Healthy looking plants were marked with a stick
  • Use disease-free seed
  • Size of seed potato should be of chicken-egg size
  • Obtain fresh planting seed every 3 seasons
  • Number of sprouts should be at least 4


 Farmers grading seed Potatoes  

prouted seed Potatoes


Land Preparation


Land Preparation Practices:

  • Land set aside for potato production should Not have been grown with another solanaceous crop for 2 years to control soil organisms e.g. nematodes and diseases
  • Soils should be ploughed thoroughly to eliminate grasses, weeds, clods and to allow aeration
  • Make raised ridges at about 30cm high off the ground
  • Furrows are made in which the seed tubers will be planted
  • Remove other plants in the field in order to avoid spread of diseases
  • Incorporating crop residues in the farm land can significantly increase the soil organic content