Module Articles



Post-harvest management

  • Cassava roots are highly perishable once harvested hence they are best left in the field and harvested as required.
  • It is recommended that the cassava roots once harvested should be in processed form.

 9.1 Storage

  • Farmers should store in cassava chip in cool dry places after packing the in-gunny bags, cassava chips should be stored in mudded nkhokwe.

9.2 Preservation

  • To avoid grain weevils damage, apply 25 g of actellic super dust to 50 kg makaka or 25 g of super grain dust to 50 kg of makaka

9.3 Transportation

  • The first post-harvest task is transportation from the site of production to the site of processing and utilization. It was estimated that, on average, 70-person days are needed to carry the harvest from one hectare of land (about 12 tons) over a distance of 1.5 km.
  • More percentage of the farm c is cassava is carried directly to farmers' homes than to market place  
  • Transportation from field to home is by way of motor vehicle, bicycles, carts, but mostly by head-load or back-load 


Cassava can be sold a flesh roots, chips and flour. Farmers can also make money by selling cassava stems as planting materials