Timapeleka yabwino

Upangili wazawulimi

Za Upangili wazawulimi

Our smart approach

Agri-services module contains commercialization, market access and agronomic information structured as digital content and audio content. The agri-services function can have digitized content for as many value chains as possible for food security, market access, commercialization and household nutrition. The agri-service information is in form of modules with subsections in three languages; Chichewa, Tonga and English. The current value chains included Maize, Rice, Cassava, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, and Groundnuts, Soya beans, Honey and beans. Each value chain has subsections that focuses on; Seed and Variety Selection, Land preparation, Planting, Crop management, Disease and Pest Control, Harvest, Post-harvest and storage, Processing and handling while Honey value chain has Apiary site selection, Selection of bee hives, Bee hive and colony management, honey harvesting, Honey Quality Management, Honey Processing.



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