Having chosen your site to place the fish pond, it is now time to construct the pond itself as describe below.
Site clearing
- Mark out the area where the pond will be constructed
- Remove trees, shrubs, including roots and stones from the marked areas.
- Remove top soil containing organic matter, which is not suitable for pond walls and use it later for spreading over the walls for planting grass, and also spread at the bottom to increase fertility of the soil.
Pond size and shape
- Pond sizes vary and are mostly influenced by the size of the land, topography, famer’s plan, idea of the size of harvesting nets and the number of ponds required.
- Rectangular ponds are recommended for aeration and easy management.

Pond depth and outlet
- Depth of the pond usually varies depending on preference. However note that pond depth must let sunlight get to the bottom of the pond. Normal depth ranges from 1 metre to 1.5 metres