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Important factors to consider when selecting suitable site for fish pond construction

When selecting a site for pond construction, consider taking note of the parameters like topography, soil character, water quality and quantity, flooding and, access or proximity to dwelling units.


  • Select a site with gentle slope to allow filling and draining of the ponds by gravity.
  • Wide gently sloping valleys are usually not suitable for construction fishponds.

Water supply

  • The water source should be perennial with enough water all the year round to fill the pond and to compensate for losses due to seepage and evaporation.
  • Do not supply water to ponds from seasonal rivers and streams.
  • Surface water is recommended because it has relatively enough dissolved oxygen than ground water


  • The best soils for fish pond are the sand clay, loamy clay and clay soils.
  • Soil that compacts easily is suitable for embankment construction.
  • The pond bottom must be able to hold water (have a low porosity) and the soil should contribute to fertility of the water by providing nutrients.
  • The best soil for pond construction is the one that has a lot of clay content.


  • Areas prone to flooding are not suitable for fish pond construction.

Site access and proximity

  • Consider placing your fish ponds closer to the house of the farmer for minimizing risks of predation, theft and for easy management.