Module Articles



Commodity management


5.1. Soil moisture conservation

  • Make box ridges or basins around the mat to hold water.
  • Keep crops mulched throughout the year so that moisture is conserved.
  • Harvested banana leaves can be used as mulch.

5.2. Fertilizer application

  • Important to add manure to increase the yield but also the quality of bananas.
  • Add at least 10 kg of decomposed manure per mat at the beginning of the rainy season.
  • Chemical Fertilizers: Either 200g CAN, 250g Single superphosphate and 175g Muriate of Potash per mat at the beginning of the rainy seasons and then 200g CAN per mat in March.
  • 75g Urea, 200g 23:21:0+4S and 175g Muriate Potash per mat at the commencement of the rains followed by 125g Urea in March.
  • Sprinkle fertilizers around the mat and be mixed into the soil.

5.1. Weeding

  • Herbicides can be used for weed control in banana plantations.
  • Mechanical weeding to remove plants and weeds found on the planting site can also be done but should be done carefully.

5.2. Thinning

  • Maintain 3 to 4 suckers per mat.
  • Remove dead leaves and pants and cut them to put around the live plants as mulch.
  • De-sucker banana plants when plant is mature removing all but one.

5.3. Irrigation

  • Water in essential during the flowering stages mainly.
  • In warm areas plant can be watered on a daily basis but only if the top 1.5cm – 3cm of the soil is dry.
  • Water frequently but avoid excessive watering as it causes rotting in the roots.