Module Articles



Commodity management

5.1     Weeding

  • Remove unwanted plants – this is very important to reduce the competition for nutrients, and needs to be removed as soon as they appear as practically as possible
  • Effective weeding is done under dry, sunny conditions to avoid re-growth.
  • Hand weeding is very effective especially in light weeding and very wet conditions.
  • In maize weeding can be done 2 to 3 times. Use of chemicals can also help to kill the weeds such us roundup and bullet

5.2     Banking

  • This is an operation which aims at rebuilding the crop ridge to avoid loss of nutrients and exposure of plant roots to the outside environment.
  • Should be done soon after top-dressing the maize crop.
  • Banking in very wet condition should be discouraged as it results in cementing the soil creating insufficient aeration.
  • In termite prone areas, banking should be done before the plant reaches knee high and soils should not be put close to the base of the plant.

5.3     Fertilizer Application

  • Maize is a heavy feeder in as far as nutrients uptake is concerned. For normal growth and high yields it needs; Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium
  • Inorganic fertilizers include CAN, 23;21;0 +4S, UREA
  • organic fertilizer include farm yard manure, khola manure, compost manure and green manure
  • Phosphorus is normally required soon after germination (approximately within a week after germination) to assist in root development. Nitrogen is particularly important for plant growth and grain formation.

5.4.1. Methods of fertilizer application

  • Dollop method is recommended for fertilizer application in Maize

5.4.2. Types of fertilizers

  • Apply basal dressing fertilizer during planting or within seven days after germination. The most common basal dressing Fertilizer for maize is 23:21:0+4S. However, refer to your Agricultural advisors for fertilizers recommended to your area.
  • Top dress within the first three weeks from day of germination. Top dressing can be done with UREA and CAN.

5.4.3. Fertiliser Rate

Fertilizer type  

Hybrid variety


Composite variety


Local variety


23: 21: 0 + 4S  200 100 100
Urea  175 150 75
CAN 200 200 150
S/A  200 200 150