Module Articles

Commercial Villages Post-Harvest Value Chain-Wide

Commercial Villages Post-Harvest Value Chain-Wide

Commercial Villages/Community Level; Post-harvest and Market Messages

  1. Commercial Villages to develop food budgets as a key component of the village action plan (annual amount of food needed for the village population)
  2. Community to guard produce from theft (Bylaws and community leadership engagement)
  3. Collectively source chemicals from reliable suppliers and get quantity discounts 
  4. Dry grain well to 14% moisture (use of Tarpaulins- collective sourcing of tarpaulins, avoid drying on bare grounds)
  5. Commercial Villages members to pool resources to construct community stores or warehouses (multiple purpose stores)
  6. Commercial Villages to collectively buy equipment (moisture meters, shellers, weighing scales and mills )
  7. Supply commodities to verified buyers, traders and institutions (use of eMlimi registered buyers)

Collective grain storage for Commercial Villages